Two-particle angular correlations have successfully been used to study particle production at high-pT in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Large increases in the correlated associated particle yields have been observed in the same side dPhi peak when comparing Au+Au to p+p. A broadening of these correlations in dEta, perhaps linked to the coupling between thermal partons and longitudinal flow of the medium, may explain the integrated yields in dPhi. Identified correlations, where the species involved are constrained, advance these studies, and make it possible to search for manifestations of the baryon-meson difference in correlations at intermediate-pT, providing a test for thermal-shower recombination models. Here we present initial studies of dEta and dPhi correlations of Lambdas, anti-Lambdas and K0Shorts with unidentified charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200GeV/n measured by STAR. After correction for detector acceptance and flow, the persistent structures are studied as a function of centrality and trigger and associated particle species and kinematics.